Call to Action #26 - Review and Amend Statutes of Limitations
6 years after its release, I am finally digging into the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 calls to action. There are 67 days left in the year and the goal is to read and reflect on at least one call to action daily for the remainder of the year. Thank you for joining me on this journey. May our endeavour together be a catalyst for lasting progress and affect meaningful change in Canada.
Under the Justice category, the 26th Call To Action is:
“26. We call upon the federal, provincial, and territorial governments to review and amend their respective statutes of limitations to ensure that they conform to the principle that governments and other entities cannot rely on limitation defences to defend legal actions of historical abuse brought by Aboriginal people.”
Indigenous Watchdog Status Update: Not Started
"On Mar. 9, 2021 the government Manitoba introduced Bill 56 “The Limitations of Actions Act” that imposes an ultimate 30-year limitation period for a proceeding respecting existing Aboriginal and Treaty rights that are recognized and affirmed in the Constitution Act, 1982 or an equitable claim by an Aboriginal people against the Crown. Other governments have not initiated any legislative actions to review and amend their respective statutes of limitations. On Jan. 11, 2019 The Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of Canada issued the Directive on Civil Litigation Involving Indigenous Peoples including Litigation Guideline 14 that addresses limitations and equitable defences. There have been no commitments from the provinces or territories either."
please consider a donation to the Core Neighbourhood Youth Co-op:

"The youth who attend CNYC come from difficult circumstances, often unhealthy and unsafe living conditions, and are faced with ongoing challenges as they transition into adulthood. Without positive family and peer support, they have not been successful in the conventional education system and many have been involved with the criminal justice system. A majority of our participants are youth between the ages of 16-19 and the vast majority of whom are Metis or Indigenous." Donate here:
To learn more:
- Tallis